
Starting on these week in review notes. I might do these to journal and as I review my notes from the week. No promises about method or content, but I like the idea.

As of Saturday (date above), my right hand has mostly recovered after I fell on it last Sunday when I slammed into the opposing side of the half-pipe at 28th and B skatepark. The pinky finger is still slightly tender around its knuckle, but it was much more tender for most of the week. I feel like I’d have been much more injured if I hadn’t been wearing my wrist-guard, as I think that it absorbed a lot of force that would’ve caused the palm of my hand to fold in backwards. (A different type of injury than I’d ever considered before.)

Itzel showed some interest in trying to learn to skate, at least to ride around, but that we’d delay that until her arm has recovered from surgery and her back is strengthened up. $200 for a nice cruiser skateboard.

I caved yesterday and bought the game Pentiment. I was in a celebratory mood from receiving an invitation to interview for a position I’m interested in, and I didn’t need much convincing to finally buy it.

Not sure how much I want to invest in skating right now. Will eventually need to buy a new deck and DKL griptape. (9/17/23)

We are our own greatest enemies. Overcoming ourself, psyching ourself in instead of out. We experience this a lot in skateboarding, and I presume that it happens in other fundamentally singular activities.


Skate shops that can setup DKL griptape for a fee. Taskrabbit people for this.

Skating experience

On moving out of my parents’ house and into an apartment or condo, I learned that the skateboarding experience is quite different for people that don’t live in their own single-family homes. Likely zero space to skate at. The complex that you live in likely forbids you from skating there, as it’d be a liability. Nearby places might suck for skating simply because their concrete is bad (rough, uneven, cracked).

  • Ramps and rails are kinda bougie relative to urban experience
  • it’s nice to have semi-privacy at least, getting to skate and try things without being embarrassed by prying eyes, feeling their pressure to succeed at an attempt and in turn to only attempt things with higher probabilities of success.

Skating as an adult: more willing to wear pads and a helmet (more concerned about hurting ourselves, but the pads and helmet let me try even more things than I ever did — I’d always been cautious), less willing to skate some places people wouldn’t want you to skate (let alone get in trouble for doing so), need to warmup more, likely shorter sessions, greater time scarcity, difficult to organize sessions with friends so more likely skating alone if skating at all. Better able to afford things to skate on! Value skating as a way to be active and exercise and have fun doing it. Gets you outside, away from computers and other devices.

Advocate for more affordable skating. Also advocate for saving up for things for little skaters to enjoy, like ramps.

Graduating out of helmet and pads is seen as an achievement, but you can see the helmet and pads as an experience intensifier, as it allows you to try more things.

What warm-up stretches to do?

Great skate tutorials:

l’d like to point out that the physics behind a drop in are that your shoulders must be parallel to the ramp in all the phases of the drop, or you’re gonna end up falling backwards or forward. That’s why you have to commit to going forward, because a vert ramp is vertical on the top by definition, so your shoulders basically need to be perpendicular to the ground instead of parallel to it in order to complete the drop in. In other words, you have to shift your mental order and accept the fact that when you are skating vert, you’re actually living horizontally instead of vertically. That’s the full commitment, and the reason behind it is that your shoulders have to be aligned to the ramp. (Comment here:

Skateboarding monetization

Stickers seem like a great monetization strategy - low footprint, usable on decks and others

Pro model sticker is a hilarious concept

Scarred but not scared Think Skate Scratch ‘n Sniff All pro models are wrong, but some are useful Heavenly Daddy Catch these stares and you’ll be in my prayers This ledge is too damn high Old Butt Gold Fine Print

Last supper Jesus sticker:


Moving my notes from here, private notes, to public ones is a bit difficult/tedious. Might want to work on pre-categorizing things into public/private so I can move them over ASAP and organize them in their respective areas, to prevent organizing in one then worrying a lot about categorizing things incorrectly due to a mismatch of systems between the two contexts.

I don’t like the timely/non-timely separation of notes per context.

Format notes like you’re gonna present it to someone —Ryan (2023-09-23)

I quite enjoy thinking, but much of my thinking is unproductive due to disorganization across time periods (difficulty pulling together work done sporadically).

Creation/ideation and capture are not the issues that I have. I’m drowning in captured ideas. I want to manage them more and make them into something, not just keep them all in a disorganized a heap laying in the darkness, unknown and inaccessible to me or anyone else.

Mostly I think I’m frustrated with myself, that I struggle to work on my ideas, organize them, and make something of them.

Mobile is good for idea recording but terrible for editing.

Knowledge creation and discovery is a higher art than management. I do need to learn management more, but the former is the real work to be done. I enjoy them.

Writing and self publishing of things thought, found, discovered.

Too many ideas - JReg

Ultimately my personal notes would likely be much smaller in size than those on mywebsite, as the former would have a bunch of stuff that does really belong in public, but that doesn’t really apply to many things.


I generally like the idea of keeping Weeknotes:

Reflecting on how my past self would likely think of my current self, having dropped in on a bunch of the ramps at 28th and B. He’d have a hard time believing it and be proud of him for going for it.

  • Retrospective takes on the current.


Code (and most forms of expression) are a way to externalize your state of mind. relates to Programming as theory building

To check out

the Green Knight film Pirate Enlightenment by David Graeber Scarcity by Jonsson and Wennerlind; killer review: Against the Gods: the remarkable story of risk The Economist’s Hour Let my people go surfing The privatization of everything

  • curious to know more about public NGO transfer of powers instead of this book’s dichotomy of public/private, voluntary provision of public goods and services The tyranny of experts by Easterly The Warded Man by Brett
  • Login to Hoopla app for audiobook Don’ts for wives, by Ebbutt

Book the disappearance of childhood

Machine gun kelly

Doki Doki Literature Club game - dating sim turned psychological horror game

Steve Bonnet, gentleman pirate real

“Carlos” movie about Carlos Santana

I don’t quite think that I need to look into ADHD stuff right now. I’m not sure when I will but eh.

  • books for coping with ADHD


Article about sticking with long-term programming/software projects, where the guy suggests always having a demo in mind that you’re working towards. This is the article:

Microsoft office is used everywhere, so making solutions that fit there allows for your solutions to have broad use and applicability

  • PyFun - fun/cool/interesting projects primarily in python, exude fun and interest

Make/do cool stuff and tell people. Increase luck surface area.

Rhyming tool for Spanish across to English.


  • Connect as a friend - see full context for person, full life
  • Connect as colleague - see only limited contexts
  • Connect as public viewer - see only main, public interests

Skate Stats

I was intrigued by the idea of estimating trick success, learning Bayesian statistics methods, and figuring out data collection. In figuring this out I stumbled across a cool way of visualizing progress in skating.

At present I think that the methods presented here are mostly just interesting results. I don’t think they’re terribly useful, just interesting and fun. Kinda like skating, itself.

Housing search by feel and income

How to merge layers of geographic data’s information when the data likely is not stored at the same granularity in each layer (dataset)? Since they are all linked by geographic location coordinates, we might be able to use the graphs that are generated from the aggregate of the coordinates in each layer.

Allowing the user to customize the algorithm’s weights

Might want to use Bayesian models for uncertainty around actual weighting of a variable in the model, like distance from the beach

Making a tool that could kick off an entire new industry and disrupt others

Seasonal temp vs. average temp for area. For living there, average might be most useful, but for feeling out the place first it’d be useful to know which months are the worst, in order for you to visit them during that time.

  • Simply knowing “best” times of year, temp-wise, to visit based on variance might be nice and valuable to people in general. Compare to the same info for a person’s current location to add that extra bit of context. Could present each area statically (static site generation) for non-paying users and together for those paid and logged in, as it might need to be run dynamically. (Unless we’d be able to just pull the output from the other page and stick it in there, as Quartz does with its SPA technology.)

Might be able to infer user’s likes or dislikes for a variable based on its values for their current location and their feelings about it, how it relatively matters to them now.

Renters’ income info likely matches better with current local housing market info than home owners’ income info. However, there likely aren’t census datasets that go granularly into renter vs homeowner, so we might need a different measure to judge relevance of income numbers. Might have access to ratio of renters to owners per area; higher ratio might lead to greater confidence in income numbers.

Interpolation for areas we don’t have data for but we do have it for surrounding areas.

Places that feel like A - such as Monterey/Carmel and other vacation/tourist spots, by temp, not culturally Places that are affordable at $X per year (for a household income of…) Combine the two (get the intersection of)

Usable datasets for walk ability?

How hot is too hot for Itzel and me, how likely and frequently is it that it’s above those temps here where we live now? How much are we willing and able to pay (or give up in other, nonmonetary ways — like less ready access to a hospital, smaller or larger sizes homes) in order to escape this current environment, and how much is each unit of changed temperature worth to us? For latter question I mean, for each 1° change, how much are we willing to exchange? This assumes that there will be some sort of exchange, that we won’t just find a place with equivalent features across the board but which has a lower general temperature or cost of living.

We’re prospective climate migrants. In the analysis phase of determining if we should migrate and where we might migrate to.

Refine our idea of what conditions we want and can tolerate

The climate data provider for the project in this video does indeed seem good:

Creating an industry of matching people to places they’d like to live in, vacation in to determine if they’d like to live there

Market Proof

Building an idea of the market for various aspects, such as walk ability.

  • Difficult on a platform that uses averages over a geographic area, as any one action in favor is lost in the overall average, drowned out by all the rest. Could look at the deltas for an area, though.

Proxy markets - gathering information about demand for a thing when the actual market for the thing is lame, unbudging, restricted by regulation (ethically positive and negative). As for housing.

Market for housing vs market for homes/sense of home.


Custom domains per project? Custom domains in general:

  • Add ssh key for steam deck to pgs.shwebsite

Was using this guide to learn to use Fossil VCS:

Making sure fossil runs on Steam Deck, for hosting VCS through Dropbox

Content marketing is semi relevant to me.

Pillar content, same as evergreen content?

Django distill: output dynamic site from Django as a static site


Reinterpreting concepts to make them clearer to me, possibly others

  • Especially from an economics standpoint, Recon - like reconnaissance
  • recontextualizing
  • I’d likely want to have some intention behind it, as mere recontextualizing lacks a point and is boring. It’d just be filtering things through a view, and to what end?

Passive income

Passive income ideas:

Information products

Information products.

  • how to build and market them?

What was the MRR thing I read about recently? Oh, it reformatted bank statements into CSV. More of a service/SAAS instead of an informational product.

Lessons learned from launching a data product:

Business success advice

Our job is to find the disconnected and connect them, to find people eager to pursue a goal and give them the structure to go achieve that goal. But just about always, we start with an already existing worldview, a point of view, a hunger that’s waiting to be satisfied.

Produce things that contribute to a community of people, or at least things which a community may form around

  • I think I’m thinking of a Seth Godin post that touches on the idea of tribes

Tell us how it’s gonna help us connect

Supply scarcity as a tool for stimulating demand:

Products or services that have a network effect component need to think about their minimum viable products differently than those that don’t have such components; if not network effect, social approval, acceptance, adoption:

  • Best to start them among an existing network of users

Seth Godin - connect the disconnected

“Creating ideas that spread and connecting the disconnected are the two pillars of our new society, and both of them require the posture of the artist.” ― Seth Godin, The Icarus Deception: How High Will You Fly?

Vertical vs horizontal connection:

  • Vertical is where you’re fundamentally interacting with only one person. Like a direct connection to another person.
  • Horizontal is where you aren’t exactly interacting with anyone, you’re just facilitating the interactions of others. It’s like a T graph, where you’re at the bottom, leading up to a joint connection between two other people.


I’m intrigued by that this is presented as being a bad thing. I think it’s kinda sweet:


Discussion about hedging claims, stating beliefs with admissions of uncertainty or fault vs full confidence: hedging advice in case a person’s situation is an exceptional case, one where the stated advice doesn’t apply:

I’m glad author put the following disclaimer:

Q: Wait, hold on, what if my manager is awful, or my team mates are horrible?

Always keep in mind that random advice on the internet might NOT apply to your situation.

Dreamt songs

I know. I’m just a used up floor model, but I’m not trying to showww it. I know it.lyrics


Supposedly this is a good analysis of a dataset prior to using it for other things:


Dropping car use as a means of greater sustainability:

Lots of bickering about how it works now vs how it should work. Meanwhile I’m going crazy that nobody is pointing out how much of the burden of the commute is placed on the worker. It’s literally thousands of dollars a year in being licensed to drive, vehicle registration, insurance costs, variable and ever increasing gas prices, repair and maintenance. Every single aspect of the commute is a burden on the worker, and corporations take it for granted. It’s not factored into most people’s pay rate or compensation. Whether or not the employer should be held responsible for relieving some of the burden, we should recognize that workers need to lessen this burden one way or another. Increasing tax deductibles to include commute time isn’t an unreasonable first step. Treat it just like travel for any other work related reason.

🟩 YouTube monetization

YouTube Monetization Requirements Before you can join the YPP, you need to accomplish a few milestones first.

If you want to make money through fan funding, such as Super Chats, Super Thanks, channel memberships, and more, here are the minimum requirements to join the YPP:

  • 500 subscribers
  • Three public uploads in the last 90 days
  • 3,000 public watch hours in the previous 12 months or 3 million public YouTube Shorts views in the last 90 days.

If you want to make money with video advertisements, here are the minimum requirements do that:

  • 1,000 subscribers
  • 4,000 hours of public watch time within a 12-month period or 10 million public YouTube Shorts views within a 90-day period.