🟩 Writing
The human mind is not always straightforward and consistent, especially with regards to dispositions, intents, wants, and needs. In stories, reflecting this variance gives the character a realism. Whereas if they are portrayed as being single minded and having no wavering of thought, they’ll likely be thought to be poorly developed, flat, and unrealistic. I imagine this happens a lot for historical depictions based on few accounts, especially if/when those accounts all suggest the same thing.
🟩 Comprehensive websites for YouTube content
Make sites for exploring YouTube videos backlogs
🟩 Website
Cool list of blogs and digital gardens: https://blogroll.org/#digital-gardens
https://libera.chat/guides/registration IRC for enrolling in closed beta for https://pgs.sh/
Static site hosting: https://pgs.sh/
- Able to share same SSH key across both laptop and Steam Deck? So I can update sites from both?
🟩 Housing search by feel and income
Climate data by zip code
- very relevant at intervals: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/cdo-web/
Python crash course book might have a section that deals with weather data api - useful for project looking at home feel
🟩 Skateboarding Analytics
Ridge plots in python: https://matplotlib.org/matplotblog/posts/create-ridgeplots-in-matplotlib/
🟩 Economics
Economic profits are different from accounting profits. I think they’re where a supplier is able to charge a higher price than the efficient/equilibrium market price.
- Looking into it, it seems to be accounting profit less opportunity costs.
- How to actually use this idea, though?
- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Profit_(economics)
- I forget, why is the marginal revenue curve steeper then the demand curve for noncompetitive markets?
- Is it wrong for a firm to be in favor of the market and eroding economic profit by increased competition? It seems like it’d be beneficial for society in general (marginal net benefit social).
- why would it be weird for them to do this? I think this is relates to my idea of Twig-onomics, the market martyrs.
Marginal net social benefits - the deep end of economics
Guide related to building marketplaces: https://themarketplace.guide/
- ideas likely apply to less traditional marketplaces, too, like social networks and similar sites
- connects to my idea that the Marketplace structure applies to nonmonetary transactions
🟩 Note Economics
Inventory costs associated with letting notes, especially in a disordered manner — uncertainty about value of each object or location of each object (search and retrieval costs)
- inventory costs in economics
🟩 Market life cycle in Economics
If you’re developing a new market, in the way of customer development, you might start off doing things that are pro-market (facilitation). But once the market is developed enough to sustain you, you might be tempted to enclose the market, raising barriers to other entrants. At this point you’d likely try to erase what you might’ve done or said in the beginning, from your Market development steps, as they contradict what you are trying to do, then. You’ve become anti-market. (Shift in firm strategy depending on the life stage of the/a market they’re trying to succeed within.)
🟩 Cooking
Licensing recipes for home use
Horchata drink at Bambi, like a churro drink
Indian wraps from fav Indian place near South Sac Kaiser
Read the first chapter of the Vegetarian Cookbook
🟩 Skateboarding
Mobility exercises for skating: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CunZbZjM3X8/?igshid=NjIwNzIyMDk2Mg==
🟩 Gaming
Steam Deck survey: https://overkill.wtf/steam-deck-survey-2023/
🟩 Magic the Gathering
🟩 Game design and development
Make a game where you need to guess the letters in a hidden word. For each letter you guess, you get a point. You can trade one point to reveal a letter, but it swaps out the current word for a longer word that has one more letter on it. If you complete the word, you get to keep your remaining points. Mostly just seeing how long you can last and if the player ends up bargaining a lot.
Reconfigurable games
Community of people who tweak games’ source code, explore different ways they could play out and feel — similar to modding but with a metagame of exploration
🟩 Exercise
Kettlebell exercises, workouts Exercise ball exercises, workouts